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5 Exercises That’ll Make You Look Amazing

5 Home Exercises That Make You Look AmazingLife can get super busy sometimes which makes it difficult to do the one thing that helps keep us stress-free and healthy, exercise. Perhaps going to the gym has become a chore or too time-consuming for your schedule. The solution? Exercise in the comfort of your home! Taking just 30 minutes out of your day to do these 5 simple but effective exercises can help reduce your stress and increase your fitness resulting in a happier, healthier self.

Make YOUR home workout extra special with these ideas handpicked by us!

Yoga Mat
Workout Music
Workout Pants
Workout Top
Workout Socks
Water Bottle

The key is to do multiple reps of the exercise. For example, 10 squats then rest and do another 10 until you have done 50.


This exercise will engage your core and glutes helping you firm and tone your legs and bum.

Start by standing with your legs shoulder width apart, then bend into a squat position. Sticking your bum out first and letting your body follow, going as low as possible, whilst not letting your knees go over your toes. This should form a 90-degree angle between your thigh and calf. Then stand up again, to repeat the exercise.


This exercise targets your arms, chest, back and core, helping tone the muscle and build it up.

Start by lying on your stomach, turn your feet upwards so that your toes are engaged with the floor. Place your hands next to your chest and push up. It is vital that you engage your core to ensure that your body is straight like a plank. Push yourself up and allow yourself to come down, without lying back down on the floor, and repeat.


This exercise targets your thighs and bum, increasing your balance as well through the core being engaged.

Start by standing, place your desired leg directly in front of you as though you were taking a large step, then bend forward onto that leg, again forming a 90-degree angle. Remember to not let your knee go over your toes. Throughout the entire exercise, it is vital that you engage your core and keep your body upright. After bending, come upright and repeat with the other leg.


Burpees are an excellent cardiovascular exercise that will tone the entire body and help shed fat fast. It is an explosive movement. Start by standing, reach your hands above your head and jump then as you come down put your hands on the floor and legs outstretched into a push-up position. After that jump, bringing your knees to your chest into a semi-squat position, and jump up again. You will then be in the starting position to do the exercise again.

Jump Rope

This exercise is super simple, it is also a cardiovascular exercise that will slim and tone the body whilst increasing fitness.

All you need is a jump rope and some comfortable exercise shoes. Hold either handle of the rope in each hand and swing the rope over you, as it approaches your feet jump up allowing the rope to go under your feet. Repeat this cycle with the rope at a speed that is comfortable for you. Try and repeat it for a set period of time. For example, start at 2 minutes non-stop per day and build yourself to a point where you can increase the time you skip for.

A daily exercise routine will do wonders for your health and give you an instant energy boost. Whether you are away from home or simply can not make it to a gym, there are many quick and simple exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home.

These 5 will give you a good , full body workout without taking hours. Do these regularly to look and feel great, you won’t regret it.