In the current financial climate of an unpredictable rise of living costs, it is crucial for you to know how to manage your money. There are many simple ways on how you can save money when dealing with personal finances. Some methods of money saving are time-consuming while others are simple and straightforward, but they are all worthwhile in the long run. If you can use either one or more of the following money saving tips, you can manage to save a lot of money at the end of the year.
Save money with these items handpicked by us for YOU!
Electronic Bank
Coin Sorter
Coin Jar
Money Master
Avoid Impulse Buying
Almost everyone has had to push a shopping cart through the aisles of the grocery store and by the time you reach the checkout, you have double the amount you wanted. Did you know you can prevent this from happening again? Simple, make a shopping list, double check it and follow it to make sure you only have whats on your list. Never purchase anything that is not on your list. Make sure your shopping list includes all your needs from the store you are shopping at – make a list for each store you will be going to!
Change Your Credit Card Spending Habits
A credit card can be wonderful and dangerous at the same time depending on how you use it. With the current high monthly fee and interest rates, that credit card can end up costing you more than you anticipated.
Here are top 3 rules for credit cards:
*be sure you will be able to pay for the item(s) before you give your credit card
*opt to use cash unless it’s a major purchase
*be confident that you can pay the credit card balance.
Request For Free Samples
If you need to buy something, visit the manufacturer’s website and find free samples of new products you need. Or you can search on Google for free samples before you visit your favorite store. You can find a free sample on almost any product. Requesting free samples is a fundamental principle of mastering your finance management.
Save Your Loose Change
Sounds a bit awkward, right? But actually, this is the very first money saving tip we learn as kids. When you arrive home from the store, throw your loose change into your “piggy” bank or jar :). After a couple of months, open your “piggy” bank and count your savings and go deposit in your bank account!
Bulk Buying
This tip mostly applies to groceries. As you walk in the store and you came across a product that you use on a daily basis, and it’s selling at half the price, buy it in bulk. Bulk buying will save you not only money but the time of going to the store again.
Shop on the Sale Rack
You have made your shopping list, and you know what you need, check the price tags on the shelf before you put anything in the cart. Buy the brand that is on sale – the item you may usually buy may not be on sale but another brand may be! Also, it’s a great idea to see if you have a coupon for the item on sale.
Save, Save, Save
At the end of the month or bi weekly when you get your paycheck, save 10% and if you can’t afford 10% then go lower even 1% is better than nothing. What you are doing is paying yourself.